Scissors and Shears - The Fine Equipment

Choosing the right grooming scissors for you is a wonderful adventure. And trying them out for the first time is exciting! When you choose quality items to work with, they should last you for a very long time, especially with the right maintenance.

There are so many choices and types of scissors and thinners, we are going to focus on highlighting the brands that we have seen work very well in the field. Every hand is different, so try to select products that have a solid return policy, just in case you buy a scissor on-line that just doesn’t work well in your hand. Sometimes you get it right the first try, sometimes it takes a few trial-and-errors.

All of the links below are to trusted affiliates and brands that we are honored to recommend and may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!


Safety Scissors

These are scissors and shears that you can use by a pet’s face, eyes, and working around sensitive areas. The usually come with a balltip (or sometimes ball tip) to help work around delicate areas safely.

Kenchii 6.5” Balltip Curved Scissors


Paw Brothers 6.5” Straight Scissors

We wanted to give you a basic, affordable straight safety scissor from a reputable company in the industry that services a lot of entry-level needs.


Shears for Fine Scissoring

Geib Shears Curved and Straight

Nice entry level pair from a very reputable manufacturer in the industry.


Kenchii 8” Curved Shear - 5-Star Edition

The Kenchii 5-Star Series was the first set I bought when I knew I was going to be serious about Grooming. The set I had included the 8” Curved Shears, the 8” Straight Shears, and a Thinning Shear (which we broke down a-la-carte for you below!).


Geib Blue Breeze Shears

For when you start to be really, really serious. The Geib Blue Breeze family of shears is truly impressive, but definitely not for anyone looking for a bargain. But worth every penny!

geib Blue Breeze shears.png

Geib Blue Breeze Thinning Shears

Geib makes a variety of thinning shears with different teeth spacing. This is so that you can use them for a variety of needs. For basic bread-and-butter grooming, you will be looking at a 42 or 48-tooth thinning shear for your blending work and to use around the eyes. These guys are not cheap, but just like the Blue Breeze shears above, they are worth it.