Smooth and Short Coats

Our smooth and short coated babies seem pretty easy to maintain, but there still are a few things that will help you keep your pup free of dead and loose coat, help distribute the oils on their coat, and generally keep them shiny and happy!

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Rubber Brush (or Rubber Curry Brush)

Not only does this rubber brush do the trick in providing a nice massage to your pup’s muscles, it also does a great job in gently removing dead coat, and also helps distribute the natural oils. A must have, especially for our super-short dogs that have a coat too short to brush with a slicker brush or comb.

For our Smooth Coats with some longer areas (around the neck and tush, usually)…

This brush is effective at handling many different types of coats. Very durable, this brush should last you for many years.


Chris Christensen Slicker Brush

As in all slicker-brushes on our smooth-coats (think Lab), only use in areas that are thicker-coated. But you’ll need a good slicker to get any undercoat in those areas - and this brush is very soft and gentle. Great for sensitive or older pets.