Spaniels and Sporting Breeds

Spaniels can have different lengths of coat in different places of their body, so you may need to gather quite the array of equipment to really work with your sporting breed. A unique element to this category of coats is that it requires carding, which is a technique you use to help the top-coat on the back lay flatter. For your longer parts, you are going to treat those areas as you would for any coated dog, meaning slicker brush and check with a comb! And remember for your longer parts, use a conditioning spray when brushing to make it a better and more effective experience.

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Carding Tool

A carding tool, or carding knife is what is used (gently) on the back of many sporting breeds to pull out dead under-coat and allow the top to lay better. Do not over-use or have a heavy-hand as you do not want to scratch or irritate your pet’s skin. But if done right, the results look amazing! We are providing you with a traditional version, as well as a new take on the idea with the Furminator de-shedding tool.

For the longer-coated parts

This brush is effective at handling many different types of coats. Very durable, this brush should last you for many years.


Here’s one of our favorite slicker brushes with softer pins.