Let’s look at our Terrier stuff!

You own a Terrier, and that makes you amazing! They have personalities which no room can truly contain. And what is wonderful is that so many of them are low allergenic. I absolutely love working with my Terrier breeds, and I won’t lie, but my Westies hold a special place in my heart. Let’s look at some of the stuff you should have on hand when owning and maintaining your Terrier!

All of the links below are to trusted affiliates and products that we are honored to recommend and who may pay commission at no charge to the consumer.

The “Go To” Terrier Brush

This brush is like magic for breaking up tangles and benign matting. It is also amazing at managing Terrier coats. 100% recommended!

A metal comb. You’ll need one.

Sorry, I’m not going to recommend a cheap comb. As someone once told me, I’m too poor to buy cheap items. Which means you don’t want to keep rebuying something that it going to break on you every year. You want something that will last. And Chris Christensen is an amazing choice for quality and resilience. Buy once, use for many years.

Zymox Enzymatic Shampoo and Leave-On Conditioner

Terriers can get a little itchy. This product combats itchiness and basic skin issues (in a very effective way.) I’ve been using other products in this line for years, but my first year of using this “team” has definitely impressed me!

Stripping Knife

Even if you’re not having your Terrier hand stripped, you may still see a lot of “scraggely” hair that you just need to pluck out and set right (and don’t worry, this is a good way of handling your Terrier coat!) I always say have a stripping knife handy so you have something designed to help you pluck any stray coat painlessly! Please look at our video, Introduction to Handstripping, to understand how this tool works!

Grooming Powder

To do hand stripping, you’ll need grip - and that gets taken care of by using Grooming Powder. Although this powder is safe to use on pets, plan on making sure to rinse it out shortly after using it so that powder is not sitting on your pets coat and skin for too long (it can dry the skin.)

Gift Guide